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Everyday cleanup challenge start from 22/10/2016 with a girl on her little bicycle along Vietnam traveling long distance for the first time for her and conquer the challenge to carry on different 6 projects scope and Everyday cleanup challenge is one of them. During 70 days cycle alone herself including working everyday and cycle 2500km along high way with 50 to 80km a day, stop to all 25 provinces through highway from Hà Nội to Cà Mau of Việt Nam, come to 15 school give speeches and together cleanup. Total collecting around 500 trash bags with school, clubs, community youth union, organizations, professors, individual who supports. The bicycle trip complete on exactly the first day of new year 2017 01/01/2017. And then after that the efforts keep continuing endless with the messages of love, patient, contribute to life from smallest to bigger by action everyday.

Everyday, each friend, one planet, one family, one love, one goal. Everyday Cleanup Challenge is a beautiful gift for the country & the planet. Changing the world & big idea can come from humble beginnings & keep carrying on.

We have world cleanup day, and if we have everyday cleanup challenge, we can contribute from smallest efforts to biggest efforts in every single corner of the world, then we really can help our planet reduce waste problem day by day as well as many of our friends around can join us in any day, any time they are available with their plan, their schedule, their feelings. And can you imagine that if each of us will join one day of the year then during 365 days of the year, in somewhere in the world, have someone is cleaning up? You can imagine this will summary in a big amount of trash as the similar with 5 millions people in the planet join in one day cleanup campaign.

Everyday Cleanup Challenge is not just a simple cleanup, it's also an effort to raise awareness through education, building a free book tree, messages of love, perseverance, contributing to life from the smallest to the greater by the daily action. 

We need action, our country & our planet need us, right now, and everyday, in every single of our activities, and every where in the world.